Author: admin

  • Thereby my right to rule has been granted

    My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: His Excellency CosmicDog the Weird of London by the Bow Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

  • Warning – Harry Potter spoiler

    My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is: Remus Lupin writes prize-winning fanfic by tying his shoelaces together Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

  • A couple of jokes

    I seem to do whatever John Scalzi tells me to, mostly because he keeps stringing me along with promises of fame and fortune, 70 virgins, and whatnot.  Today is no exception.  The weekend assignment from By the Way is to share a joke.  Of course, I am me, and therefore do not follow directions explicitly…

  • Photocreativity

    John Scalzi has put forth a challege over at By The Way and I have taken up the gauntlet. Here is a picture of my sweet kitty that I took a couple months ago. And here’s my totally rockin’ tweek. I swear it looks like an album cover that I’ve seen, but I can’t put…

  • Words Fail Me

  • Quick Note re: Politics

    I don’t often talk about politics, mostly because I feel rather disconnected from the system, even I am a Government Employee.  Scott Adams posted this entry today that seems to hit the nail right on the head for me.  His blog entries are usually demonstrative of an acerbic wit, but this one does a fair…

  • Excuses

    Sigh. I was off to such a good start. My intent was to blog once a day for at least 30 days. But… I was in a car accident yesterday. I wrote a blog post with pictures and everything, then TypePad went down just as I was tried to publish it. I lost the whole…

  • It took me an hour to write, I figured it would take an hour to read

    errant: wandering; deviating from an appointed course, or from a direct path; roving. Courtesy of Word of the Day First off, the irony is not lost on me, as a self-proclaimed writer that writes for about two weeks every year, and never finishes a piece. Errant. That’s me. Hmm. I just spent the last…

  • Words On A Page

    He was there, hunched over his laptop, sitting crossed-legged on his bed. All his life seemed to be leading up to this point. He had stayed up late the previous night reading articles from the 2007 Writer’s Market and researching agents. It seemed that he was entering into a larger world. He knew he could…

  • Movin’ on up!

    I sold a screenplay!  I can’t freakin’ believe it.  The terms are still being worked out, but it is at least six figures.  Woo hoo! Who would have thought that a coming of age story about a Foul Mouthed, Dope Smoking Muskrat with Syphilis who runs for President would be my first sell?  My agent…