Category: Writing

  • Research, Ideas

    I finally have an idea for a SciFi story: The year is 2025. The Digital age has come to maturity. All electronic devices are connected to a wireless high speed international network. All computer applications, files, games, media, entertainment, and information is distributed through this Network. Access is granted through your DNA code. Any attempt…

  • Getting the brain out was easy, the hard part was getting the brain out!

    Today, I am a writer. I have a laptop, a blog, John Scalzi’s writing advice, and I just received my very own copy of the 2007 Writer’s Market Deluxe Edition.  So it’s official, I am a writer.  Please start all e-mails and comments with ‘Dear Mr Writer, Sir’. No, as a matter of fact, I…

  • Mystery Hotel

    Since Wil Wheaton is one of my writing inspirations, I figured I would take on one his writing challenges.  This is originally from Shane Nickerson’s Nickerblog.  The hardest part for me was getting it down to under 300 words.  My first draft had 450.  Enjoy! ST JOSEPH’S LEGACY Bill Reid had worked at St Joseph’s…