CosmicDogOnline: a blog about nothing.
Coming up: 600 word story – Waterlilies
I would have to roll a 6 on the waterlilies theme, wouldn't I? I'm rather curious myself to see what I come up with. …up with which I come(?) – Sometimes, it's okay to end a sentence with a preposition, it seems.
100 Themes Boot Camp – Day 3 – Dawn
Dawn A whisper, a prayer;The longing and the promise ofNew life.I watch you carefully,Knowing that I can only seeIn part.Slow revelation;You hide so that you mayBe found.First a sliver, a hintUnfolding your glory,You rise.Terrible beauty,You stand high above, untouchedAlone.Giving all,You ask for nothing in Return.Salvation;Darkness flees before yourPure light.Awakening.Oh, that you would last more than…
I rolled a ‘1’
Therefore my next writing assignment for the 100 Themes Boot Camp will be 100 words (or so) about Dawn. I'm thinking …poem. We'll see what I can do. (Hopefully, today at some point)
100 Themes Boot Camp – Day 2 – Power
I realize, at this rate, it will take me two years to complete the 100TBC. And you know what? I don't really have a problem with that. So without any further ado, here is my entry for day 2. The theme is Power.: ———————————————————————- Something had been bothering Joe all night, eating at the back…
Huh. Weird.
This is only the second day of my renewed vigor for creative writing and the 100 Themes Boot Camp – and I'm already not going to do it. I have a toothache. That's is very nearly the only thing I can think about at this time. Yes, I had all day to write something, but…
I think my dice are loaded…
At least my D6 is. I rolled another '3' today. That means another 300 (or so) word story for the 100 Themes Boot Camp on DeviantArt. Today's theme – power. This should be fun! I'll get back to you when I've got something.
100 Themes Boot Camp – Day 1 – Stardust
The valley below was obscenely beautiful. I have hiked these hills all my life, but this time it was as if I had never seen it before. The trees were taller, greener. The river was clearer. The sky was bluer. “No!” I shook my head and chided myself, “Don’t fall under that spell.” The little…
So, according to XKCD, I am the least interesting man in the world. I will not, therefore, apologize for not posting much over the last few months. I'm the one that pays for this site, dammit, not you. Where do you get off, anyway, buddy?! Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to get abusive, it happens…
How to Get Started and Build Your Blog
I've decided to stop dragging my feet and jump in to freelance writing. I figure, what's a better time to start a new, high-risk career than an economic depression? Here is a sample article from my portfolio… Looking at popular blog sites like Dooce ( or Lifehacker ( makes many amateur (and some professional) writers say…
Plotting & Machine Writing
As an “Evil Genius”, I am quite comfortable plotting my next scheme or the demise of my enemies, but I have the hardest time coming up with a plot for a story. Premise? No problem. Characters? Check. Background, Setting, etc.? Yep. Conflict/Resolution/Character growth? Umm… I kinda, sorta wish their was a “Sims” game for writing. …