CosmicDogOnline: a blog about nothing.

  • A quick note

    Clever is not the same as smart.   Think about it.

  • What I should probably say is nothing, but…

    Seriously, if you are looking for skilled freelance writer, for goodness sake, proofread your job posting.  You are not likely to have quality articles written if you ask for quality articles to be ‘writen’.  I may be shooting myself in the foot here, as potential employers may come to this site to check out my…

  • The blog post that isn’t

    I was going to write about the "Bridges Out of Poverty" training I received today, but I am just way too exhausted (three modifiers, count them, three modifiers for exhausted, ah ah ah…I must be tired.  I promise, I will post an entry about "Bridges Out of Poverty." Really, I will, I swear. Good night,…

  • SMART Goals

    Most people that have spent any time in a Corporate or Government environment are familiar with ‘SMART Goals’. SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic/Relevant Timely/Time-Bound At my job, all employees are required to come up with three SMART Goals at their annual evaluation. It is recommended that we provide one long-term goal (over one…

  • Deep thought

    counting syllablesto make meaningless statements,haikus are stupid

  • Still alive

    Once upon a time, I promised myself that I would post an entry in my blog every day, or at least 4-5 times a week.  How about every other week?  Monthly?  Okay, okay, okay, I will post an entry at least once every six months, whether I need it or not. I have excuses, school…work…sleep,…

  • BoingBoing/Making Light dust up

    I don’t really have much to say about this here that I haven’t already said in my comments on Making Light.  But I figured I ought to have something up on my own site, so that 1) I can confirm that I am indeed the very same CosmicDog that posts on Making Light and 2)…

  • Don’t even call me sexy

    I have to admit it, I kinda like Hillary Clinton.  I always have.  As I’ve said in other places, if she takes her husband’s approach to political leadership, she would make a pretty good President, and the country would be better for it.  She would take public opinion into account when making decisions, and as…

  • Heroic Dogs

    I have a tendency to anthropomorphise animals, especially dogs and cats.  I attribute love and vengeance and others emotions to them.  I even attribute kinds of human reasoning to them.  I am often told, however, that their tiny little brains don’t work that way, that they don’t really have minds like people do.  I’m even…

  • Private Space

    I am normally a friendly, outgoing person.  I even greet all the animals I see ("Hi dog! What’s up kitty? How are you doing Mr Squirrel?).  At the very least, I make eye-contact and smile at my co-workers when I pass them in hallway. But sometimes I have other things on my mind.  Sometimes I…